Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Scientific Research

The method of research is the scientific way recognized, accepted and used in research that is both qualitative and quantitative research mix In research need to set variables in research, namely the free variable (the independent variable) and a bound variable. In this case we take for example the variables research paradigm of Leadership as the independent variable and the growth of the Church as a variable (the dependent variable) One of the important aspects in scientific research namely research instrument. Research instrument is one of the tools used to collect the data in the study. For it, required a test validity (accuracy) and reliability (reliability) so that the instrument can really quantify exactly what should be measured. In this study, the authors use research instrument in the form of a detailed questionnaire or question form as attached. Research instrument must meet the elements of validity and reliability. The validity of measured using correlation analysis function that determines whether every grain of the instrument (item score) has a strong and significant relationship with the total score of each grain the statement. While the reliability of the instruments used are tested with the formula as described in data analysis techniques, where through this exam can be known whether the instruments used are reliable (reliable) in some specified time level against the same subject in normal conditions.


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